Micah 6 Food Pantry
Central Courtyard 2203 San Antonio Street, Austin, TX, United StatesFood pantry operated by Micah 6 of Austin. The food pantry is open on Saturdays from 9:30-11:00 AM.
Food pantry operated by Micah 6 of Austin. The food pantry is open on Saturdays from 9:30-11:00 AM.
The Present Word class meets on Sundays at 9:30 am. In-Person and on Zoom. Coordinator: Roscoe Overton. The Present Word class uses The Present Word curriculum to dive deeper in the scriptures, walking through a book of the Bible and exploring themes relevant to daily living. On Zoom:https://upcaustin.zoom.us/j/87983338650?pwd=eEs3R0JRSVpoNHdWNDZpbDJZSHluZz09 Zoom Meeting ID: 879 8333 8650 / […]
Sunday Morning Worship is being held in person, though we will continue to stream our worship services online for those who are not ready or able to attend in person. Click the link below a few minutes before 11 to join. Join Zoom Meeting: https://upcaustin.zoom.us/j/81910339216?pwd=SnJSceZKxbJeMwlmH665RNe0GW2bt4.1 Meeting ID: 819 1033 9216 Passcode: 994396 One tap mobile:+13462487799,,81910339216#
Meeting also available on zoom: https://upcaustin.zoom.us/j/87499300521 Meeting ID: 874 9930 0521
on zoom every 3rd Tuesday. https://upcaustin.zoom.us/j/81810422479?pwd=T1VTSFRab2ljbSsvL3FXSGtOaFV0dz09 Passcode: 513466
The stated session meeting occurs online the third Wednesday monthly.
Every Thursday at 10am. ON ZOOM ONLY: https://upcaustin.zoom.us/j/88082774177
Micah 6 Food Pantry is open for food distribution on Thursdays from 5:30-7:00 PM. To volunteer, please visit the micah6austin.org website and register. Micah volunteer Schedule: On Thursday's 8:30am and in the afternoon/evening 4-7pm.
This year, Act 3 is working its way through A Rhythm of Prayer, a compilation of devotionals written by clergy from all around the country (copies available in the church office). No homework or preparation necessary — if you’d like to spend some of your week in prayer and study, join up by Zoom every […]
Sanctuary and Fellowship Hall
Food pantry operated by Micah 6 of Austin. The food pantry is open on Saturdays from 9:30-11:00 AM.