Utility Payment Help
UPLift helps with Plus 1 utility payment assistance for Austin Energy customers.
Plus 1 Utility Assistance
UPLift is a Plus 1 partner, providing emergency financial assistance to Austin Energy residential customers experiencing financial hardships such as serious illness, recent job loss, COVID-19 or other emergencies.
To request assistance, email a telephone number and a time when you are available to join in a three-way call to Austin Energy. Our email is upliftplus1@upcaustin.org. Then email the following to the same address:
1. An image of your current Austin Energy bill. A photo of the first page of your bill is acceptable as long as it shows the account holder’s name, service address and account number.
2. A photo ID
UPLift will contact Austin Energy for the following information:
- Your account balance
- Any deposits or tampering fees on the account (Plus 1 cannot pay these)
We are required to get this information to make a pledge to your account.
We will email you confirmation of the amount of Plus 1 funds applied to your account, or why we are unable to assist you.
Questions? Call 512-476-5321 (ext. 114) and leave your name, phone number, email address and question. We will respond to your question as quickly as possible.
Remember, we cannot make a Plus 1 pledge until you have completed Steps 1-2 above and we have called Austin Energy to confirm your eligibility.
Plus 1 is part of Austin Energy’s Customer Assistance Program, or CAP. For more information about the CAP, visit austinenergy.com/go/cap.
St. Austin’s Outreach
St. Austin’s Outreach to Persons in Need program helps with a little bit of rent or one utility bill per household every twelve months. To apply, email gethelp@staustin.org.